Laser Treatments at SMC

About Our GentleMax Laser

Our Candela GentleMax Laser is capable of laser hair reduction for all skin types. The laser is FDA approved and emits non-ionizing radiation that does not cause harm to cell structure. The laser light targets your pigmented hair follicles and leaves the surrounding tissue unharmed. Our laser also has a Dynamic Cooling Device that further protects the skin during treatment, as well as making the procedure more comfortable.

About SMC's Laser Hair Reduction

Laser hair reduction is performed by a medical provider or a Certified Laser Technician. Each patient will have a Consultation prior to any treatment to determine if you are a candidate for laser hair reduction and to determine a plan that bests suits you.

Other treatments available:

*Prices are cost per treatment and subject to change.


50% off after 8th treatment of one area


How do I Prepare for a laser treatment?

Prior to and after a laser treatment, limit sun exposure/tanning beds and sunless tanning products for 2 weeks. Apply SPF30 or higher sunblock when you are exposed to the sun. Discontinue any other form of hair removal, other than shaving, for 6 weeks prior to treatment. Skin should be clean and free from lotions, perfumes, makeup, creams, etc.

How does the treatment feel?

Some sensations you may feel are hot, cold, burning, various degrees of pain and tingling. Some patients describe it as a rubber band snap.

How many sessions will I need?

This varies from patient to patient. Expect anywhere from 4-8 treatments on each area. Multiple treatments are needed due to the growth cycles of the hair.

How long do I need to wait between treatments?

The laser technician or physician will tell you when to return. Estimated return time with the legs is 8-12 weeks and for any areas including or above the bikini line is 4-6 weeks.New hair growth won't appear for 2-3 weeks. Call for appointment at the first sign of hair re-growth.

What can I expect after treatment?

Some pinkening, redness and swelling which should resolve in a few hours to a couple of days. You may apply cool compress or gel packs for comfort following the procedure. After the procedure, you will need to limit sun exposure and use SPF 30 or higher sunblock for the remainder of the treatment time.

Are the treatments covered by insurance?

Insurance companies do not pay for cosmetic procedures. Payment is due at the time of your procedure.

What are the possible side effects?

Possible side effects are burning, blistering, scabbing, bruising, hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) and hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin).

Hair Growth Phases:

Laser treatment can only target the follicles in the active growth phase.

Visit the Candela Laser website for more information.

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